Crime Thru Time
-- Recent HM Releases
Historical mystery books recently released in Hardcover and/or Paperback

January 2009
Akunin, Boris - The State Counsellor £7.99 Phoenix (Erast Fandorin)
Arruda, Suzanne - The Leopard's Prey $24.95 NAL (Jade Cameron)
Bernhardt, William - Nemesis: The Final Case of Eliot Ness $26.00 Ballantine (Eliot Ness)
Betancourt, John Gregory - Sherlock Holmes in The Adventure of the Amateur Mendicant Society $3.99 Wildside Press (Sherlock Holmes)
Bradley, Alan - The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie £9.99 Orion (Flavia de Luce)
Casey, Donis - The Drop Edge of Yonder $14.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Alafair Tucker)
Casey, Donis - The Sky Took Him $24.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Alafair Tucker)
Clare, Alys - The Joys of My Life $27.95 Severn House (Hawkenlye Mysteries)
Cook, Alan - Run into Trouble £19.99 Severn House (Ilionas)
Cook, Thomas H - Master of the Delta £7.99 Quercus (Jack Branch)
Cooke, Jason - Sherlock Holmes and the Morphine Gambit $18.50 Baker Street Studios Limited (Sherlock Holmes)
de Santis, Pablo - The Paris Enigma £17.99 Harper (Sigmund Salvatorio)
Dunn, Carola - The Bloody Tower £6.99 Kensington (Daisy Dalrymple)
Frazer, Margaret - The Apostate's Tale $7.99 Berkley (Dame Frevisse)
Fulmer, David - The Blue Door $14.00 Harvest (Eddie Cero)
Fulmer, David - Lost River $25.00 Houghton Mifflin (Valentin St. Cyr)
Gray, Clio - Envoy of the Black Pine £7.99 Headline (Whilbert Stroop)
Greenwood, Kerry - Queen of the Flowers $14.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Phryne Fisher)
Hoekenga, David - The Hampton Court Murders $23.99 Xlibris (Seamus Scott Weatherby)
Jones, J. Sydney - The Empty Mirror $24.95 St. Martin's (Gustav Klimt)
Lovesey, Peter - Murder on the Short List £19.99 Severn House (Short stories, including Cribb, Bertie, et al)
Martin, Andrew - Murder at Deviation Junction $13.95 Mariner Books (Jim Stringer)
McPherson, Catriona - The Winter Ground £6.99 Hodder & Stoughton (Dandy Gilver)
Meade, Amy Patricia - Shadow Waltz £10.99 Midnight Ink (Marjorie McClelland)
Meyers, Maan - The Organ Grinder £17.99 Five Star (Tonneman Family)
Morris, R. N. - A Vengeful Longing £7.99 Faber & Faber (Porfiry Petrovich)
Parot, Jean-Francois - The Man with the Lead Stomach £7.99 Gallic Books (Nicolas Le Floch)
Pattison, Eliot - Bone Rattler: A Mystery of Colonial America $14.95 Counterpoint (Duncan McCallum)
Richards, Linda L. - Death Was in the Picture $24.95 St. Martin's (Kitty Pangborne)
Rowe, Rosemary - Death at Pompeia's Wedding $28.95 Severn House (Libertus)
Rowland, Laura Joh - The Snow Empress : A Thriller £6.99 St. Martin's (Sano Ichiro Mysteries)
Stuckart, Diane A. S. - Portrait of a Lady $14.00 Berkley Prime Crime (Leonardo Da Vinci)
Stuckart, Diane A. S. - The Queen's Gambit $7.99 Berkley Prime Crime (Leonardo Da Vinci)
Tallis, Frank - Darkness Rising £12.99 Century (Dr. Max Liebermann)
Taylor, Andrew - Bleeding Heart Square £6.99 Penguin (Rory Wentwood & Lydia Langstone)
Todd, Charles - A Pale Horse £8.99 William Morrow (Inspector Ian Rutledge)
Todd, Marilyn - Blood Moon £19.99 Severn House (Ilionas)
February 2009
Akunin, Boris - The Coronation £12.99 Weidenfeld & Nicolson (Erast Fandorin)
Black, Benjamin (aka John Banville) - The Silver Swan $14.00 Picador (Garret Quirke)
Bradby, Tom - Blood Money £12.99 Bantam (Joe Quinn)
Brandreth, Gyles - Oscar Wilde and the Ring of Death (US Title: Oscar Wilde and a Game Called Murder ) £7.99 John Murray (Oscar Wilde)
Clark, Cassandra - Hangman Blind $24.95 St. Martin's (Sister Hildegaard)
Claudel, Philippe - Brodeck's Report£18.99 MacLehose Press (Brodeck)
Davis, Lindsey - Alexandria £18.99 Arrow (Falco)
Davis, Lindsey - Ode to a Banker £7.99 Arrow (Falco)
Davis, Lindsey - One Virgin Too Many £7.99 Arrow (Falco)
Davis, Lindsey - Three Hands in the Fountain £7.99 Arrow (Falco)
Davis, Lindsey - Two for the Lions £7.99 Arrow (Falco)
Dickinson, David - Death of a Pilgrim $24.95 Soho Constable and Robinson (Lord Francis Powerscourt)
Doherty, Paul - A Haunt of Murder $24.95 St. Martin's (Canterbury Tales)
Franklin, Ariana - The Serpent's Tale (UK title: The Death Maze)$15.00 Berkley (Adelia, Doctor to the dead)
Gores, Joe - Spade & Archer: The Prequel to Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon $24.00 Knopf (Sam Spade)
Gregory, Susanna - The Westminster Poisoner $24.95 Little, Brown (Thomas Chaloner)
Hampson, June - Damaged Goods £6.99 Orion (Daisy Lane)
Ison, Graham - Hardcastle's Mandarin £18.99 Severn House Publishers (Detective Inspector Hardcastle)
Izner, Claude - The Marais Assassin £7.99 Gallic Books (Victor Legris)
Lock, Joan - Dead Centre $32.50 Ulverscroft (Inspector Best)
Maitland, Karen - Company of Liars £7.99 Penguin (Ensemble cast)
McGregor, Rafe - The Architect of Murder £18.99 Robert Hale (Major Alec Marshall VC)
Morson, Ian - Falconer and the Ritual of Death $27.95 Severn House (William Falconer)
Mosley, Walter - Blonde Faith £6.99 Phoenix (Easy Rawlins)
Peace, David - Nineteen Seventy-four $13.95 Vintage (Red Riding Quartet)
Peacock, Caro - A Dangerous Affair (UK Title: Death of a Dancer) $13.95 Avon (Liberty Lane)
Pearl, Matthew - The Last Dickens £12.99 Harvill Secke (James Osgood)
Perry, Anne - Buckingham Palace Gardens £6.99 Headline (Thomas & Charlotte Pitt)
Peterson, Jerry - Early's Fall $25.95 Five Star (Sheriff James "Cactus" Early)
Raybourn, Deanna - Silent In The Sanctuary $6.99 Mira (Lady Julia Grey and Nicholas Brisbane)
Roberts, David - No More Dying $25.00 Soho Constable (Lord Edward Corinth and Verity Browne)
Rowland, Laura Joh - The Secret Adventures of Charlotte Bronte $13.95 Overlook (Charlotte Brontë)
Sansom, C.J. - Revelation $25.95 Viking (Matthew Shardlake)
Sedley, Kate - The Dance of Death £19.99 Severn House (Roger the Chapman)
Simmons, Dan - Drood $26.99 Little, Brown (Wilkie Collins)
Spencer, Sally - A Dying Fall $15.95 Severn House (Chief Inspector Charlie Woodend)
Tallis, Frank - Fatal Lies $15.00 Random House Arrow (Dr. Max Liebermann)
Upson, Nicola - An Expert in Murder £7.99 Faber & Faber (Josephine Tey)
van Gulik, Robert - The Willow Pattern $12.00 University Of Chicago Press (Judge Dee)
Vyleta, Dan - Pavel & I £7.99 Bloomsbury (Pavel Richter)
Winspear, Jacqueline - Among the Mad $25.00 Henry Holt and Co (Maisie Dobbs)
Wishart, David - Illegally Dead $9.95 Hodder (Marcus Corvinus)
Top |
March 2009
Ash, Maureen - A Plague of Poison $7.99 Berkley (Bascot de Marins)
Atkins, Ace - Devil's Garden $24.95 Putnam (Dashiell Hammett)
Bennett, R. K - The Journey of Shine Rivers £12.99 Hutchinson (Retelling Pothole Murder)
Bowen, Rhys - Tell Me, Pretty Maiden $6.99 St. Martin's Minotaur (Molly Murphy)
Bowen, Rhys - In a Gilded Cage $24.95 St. Martin's (Molly Murphy)
Brightwell, Emily - Mrs. Jeffries in the Nick of Time $6.99 Berkley (Mrs. Jeffries)
Clare, Alys - The Enchanter's Forest $9.955 Hodder & Stoughton (Hawkenlye Mysteries)
Clark, Cassandra - The Red Velvet Turnshoe £12.99 John Murray (Sister Hildegaard)
Cleverly, Barbara - Folly Du Jour £6.99 Robinson (Joe Sandilands)
Craske, Darren - The Eleventh Plague £15.00 The Friday Project Limited (Cornelius Quaint)
Dietrich, William - The Dakota Cipher $26.95 Harper Collins (Ethan Gage)
Downie, Ruth - Terra Incognita $15.00 Bloomsbury USA (Gaius Petrius Ruso)
Doyle, Peter - The Devil's Jump £9.99 Verse Chorus Press (Billy Glasheen)
Drake, Nick - Tutankhamen £12.99 Bantam (Rai Rahotep)
Franklin, Ariana - Grave Goods $15.00 Berkley (Adelia, Doctor to the dead)
Goodwin, Jason - The Bellini Card $25.00 Faber and Faber (Yashim)
Gorman, Ed - Fools Rush In $13.95 Pegasus (Sam McCain)
Gautreaux, Tim - The Missing $24.95 Knopf (Sam Simoneaux)
Greenberg, Martin H. et al. (editors) - Sherlock Holmes in America $24.95 Skyhorse Publishing (Anthology)
Greenwood, Kerry - Murder in the Dark $24.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Phryne Fisher)
Greenwood, Kerry - Queen of the Flowers $14.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Phryne Fisher)
Gregorio, Michael - Days of Atonement $14.95 St. Martin's (Magistrate Procurator Stiffeniis)
Gregory, Susanna - The Butcher of Smithfield $13.95 Little, Brown (Thomas Chaloner)
Gregory, Susanna - To Kill or Cure $9.95 Little, Brown (Matthew Bartholomew)
Hays, Tony - The Killing Way $24.95 Forge (Malgwyn ap Cuneglas)
Heath, Rachel - The Finest Type of English Womanhood $13.95 W. W. Norton (Kamil Pasha)
Kerr, Philip - A Quiet Flame $26.95 Putnam (Bernie Gunther novel)
Krajewski, Marek - End of the World in Breslau £16.99 Maclehose Press (Eberhard Mock)
Lawrence, Paul - Sweet Smell of Decay £7.99 Beautiful Books (Harry Lytle)
Leadley, Steve - Sherlock Holmes and The Circle of Blood $20.95 Hollywood Comics (Sherlock Holmes)
Liesche, Margit - Hollywood Buzz $24.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Pucci Lewis)
Mackay, Scott - The Angel of the Glade £18.99 Severn House (Dr. Clyde Deacon)
Maitland, Karen - The Owl Killers £12.99 Michael Joseph Ltd (Ensemble cast)
Martin, Andrew - The Last Train to Scarborough £12.99 Faber & Faber (Jim Stringer)
McIntosh, Pat - The Stolen Voice unk Constable (Gil Cunningham)
Mills, Sara - Miss Match $13.99 Moody Publishers (Allie Fortune)
Nunn, Malla - A Beautiful Place to Die £12.99 Picador (Detective Emmanuel Cooper)
O'Brien, Charles - Deadly Quarrel £18.99 Severn House (Anne Cartier)
Pearl, Matthew - The Last Dickens $25.00 Random House (James Osgood)
Perez-Reverte, Arturo - The Caballero in the Yellow Doublet £14.99 Weidenfeld & Nicolson (Captain Alatriste)
Perry, Anne - Buckingham Palace Gardens $7.99 Ballantine (Thomas & Charlotte Pitt)
Perry, Anne - Execution Dock $26.00 Ballantine (William Monk)
Rabb, Jonathan - Shadow and Light $26.00 Faber and Faber (Nikolai Hoffner)
Raybourn, Deanna - Silent On The Moor $13.95 Mira (Lady Julia Grey and Nicholas Brisbane)
Spencer, Sally (writing as Alan Rustage) - Blackstone and the New World £18.99 Severn House (Bow Street Runner Blackstone)
Taylor, Andrew - Bleeding Heart Square $25.95 Hyperion (Rory Wentwood & Lydia Langstone)
The Medieval Murderers - House of Shadows $9.95 Simon & Schuster (Shared medieval anthology)
Tremayne, Peter - The Council of the Cursed £7.99 Headline (Sister Fidelma Mysteries)
Vale-Allen, Charlotte - Mood Indigo $22.00 Island Nation Press LLC (Honoria Barlow)
White, Jenny - The Abyssinian Proof $13.95 W. W. Norton (Kamil Pasha)
April 2009
Atkins, Ace - Wicked City $15.00 Berkley (Noir Thriller)
Bradley, Alan - The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie $23.00 Delacorte Press (Flavia de Luce)
de Recacoechea, Juan - Andean Express $15.95 Akashic Books (Ensemble Cast)
Cameron, Kenneth - The Frightened Man$24.95 Minotaur Books (General Denton)
Child, Peter - The Diamond Murders $12.00 Benbow Publications (Inspector Hadley)
Dickinson, David - Death on the Holy Mountain $13.00 Soho Constable and Robinson (Lord Francis Powerscourt)
Doherty, Paul - The Darkening Glass £19.99 Headline (Mathilda of Westminster)
Doherty, Paul - The Spies of Sobeck £7.99 Headline (Amerotke)
Downie, Ruth - Ruso and the Demented Doctor (US Title: Terra Incognita) £7.99 Penguin (Gaius Petrius Ruso)
Emerson, Kathy Lynn - Lethal Legend $25.95 Pemberley Press (A Diana Spaulding Mystery)
Epperson, Tom - The Kind One $15.00 Pocket (Danny Layton)
Faye, Lyndsay - Dust and Shadow: An Account of the Ripper Killings $25.00 Simon & Schuster (Sherlock Holmes Pastiche)
Franklin, Ariana - The Death Maze (US title: The Serpent's Tale)£7.99 Bantam (Adelia, Doctor to the dead)
Fraser, Guy - Jupiter's Gold $42.95 Robert Hale (Supt Jarrett, Inspector Grant, Sgt Quinn)
Fuller, David - Sweetsmoke £11.99 Abacus (Cassius Howard)
Gregorio, Michael - A Visible Darkness $25.95 St. Martin's (Magistrate Procurator Stiffeniis)
Hampson, June - Fatal Cut £18.99 Orion (Daisy Lane)
Ifkovic, Edward - Lone Star $24.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Edna Ferber)
Japp, Andrea H. - The Breath of the Rose £7.99 Gallic Books (Agnes de Souarcy)
Kellerman, Faye - The Quality of Mercy $12.95 Avon (Rebecca Lopez)
Kent, Rebecca (aka Kate Kingsbury) - Finished Off $6.99 Berkley (Meredith Llewellyn)
King, Laurie R. - The Beekeeper's Apprentice $14.00 Picador (Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes)
King, Laurie R. - O Jerusalem $14.00 Picador (Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes)
King, Laurie R. - Justice Hall $14.00 Picador (Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes)
King, Laurie R. - Locked Rooms $14.00 Picador (Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes)
King, Laurie R. - The Game $14.00 Picador (Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes)
Knight, Bernard - Crowner Royal £18.99 Simon & Schuster (Crowner John)
Lake, Deryn - Death and the Black Pyramid £18.99 Severn House (John Rawlings)
Leonard, Elmore - Comfort To The Enemy £18.99 Weidenfeld & Nicolson (The Webster Saga)
Martin, Andrew - Death on a Branch Line $11.75 Faber and Faber (Jim Stringer)
McCleary, Carol - The Alchemy of Murder £19.99 Hodder & Stoughton (Nellie Bly)
McIntosh, Pat - The Rough Collier £7.99 Robinson (Gil Cunningham)
McIntosh, Pat - The Stolen Voice £18.99 Constable (Gil Cunningham)
Mills, Mark - The Information Officer £7.99 Harper (Max Chadwick)
Perry, Anne - Execution Dock £19.99 Headline (William Monk)
Pintoff, Stefanie - In the Shadow of Gotham $24.95 Minotaur Books (Detective Simon Ziele)
Rees, George - Eye of Death $16.95 Accent Press (Thomas Dekker)
Reynolds, Sean - Dying for a Change $16.95 Suspect Thoughts Press (Chan Parker and Henrietta Wild Cherry)
Robb, Candace - A Vigil of Spies £7.99 Arrow (Owen Archer)
Russell, Norman - The Dorset House Affair £18.99 Robert Hale (Inspector Box)
Saylor, Steven - A Murder on the Appian Way $14.95 St. Martin's (Gordianus the Finder)
Smith, Tom Rob - Child 44 $7.99 Grand Central Publishing (Leo Stepanovich Demidov of the MGB)
Smith, Tom Rob - The Secret Speech $24.99 Grand Central Publishing (Leo Stepanovich Demidov of the MGB)
Stamos, Ann - Bitter Tide $25.95 Five Star (Ellis Island Superintendent Joseph Hannegan)
Todd, Marilyn - Blood Moon $28.95 Severn House (Ilionas)
Tombs, Kerry - The Worcester Whisperers $37.95 Robert Hale (Inspector Samuel Ravenscroft)
van Gulik, Robert - The Haunted Monastery $12.00 University Of Chicago Press (Judge Dee)
Wall, Carolyn D. - Sweeping Up Glass $13.00 Delta (Olivia Harker)
Watt, Douglas - Death of a Chief £8.99 Luath Press (John MacKenzie and Davie Scougall)
Top |
May 2009
Airth, Rennie - The Dead of Winter £16.99 Macmillan (Inspector John Madden)
Ashley, Mike (Editor) - The Mammoth Book of New Sherlock Holmes Adventures $13.95 Running Press (Anthology)
Baruth, Philip - The Brothers Boswell $24.00 Soho (Policeman Ted Stratton of the CID)
Blair, J.M.C. - The Lancelot Murders $7.99 Berkley (Merlin)
Brandreth, Gyles - Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man's Smile £16.99 John Murray (Oscar Wilde)
Cantrell, Rebecca - A Trace of Smoke $24.95 Tor/Forge Books (Hannah Vogel)
Clare, Alys - Out of the Dawn Light £18.99 Severn House (Aelf Fen series)
Clements, Rory - Martyr $25.00 Bantam (John Shakespeare)
Davis, Lindsey - Alexandria $24.95 Minotaur Arrow (Falco)
de Santis, Pablo - The Paris Enigma £7.99 Harper (Sigmund Salvatorio)
Dean, Anna - A Gentleman of Fortune £19.99 Allison & Busby (Miss Dido Kent)
Delaney, Vicki - Gold Digger $18.95 Napoleon & Company (Fiona MacGillivray)
Depoy, Philip - The King James Conspiracy $25.95 St Martins (Brother Timon)
Downing, David - Silesian Station $14.00 Soho (John Russell)
Gayden, Kip - Miscarriage of Justice $13.99 Center Street
Haines, Kathryn Miller - Winter in June $13.95 Harper Collins (Rosie Winter)
Hampson, June - Damaged Goods $9.85 Orion (Daisy Lane)
Harrison, Cora - Michaelmas Tribute £6.99 Pan (Judge Mara)
Harrison, Cora - The Sting of Justice £16.99 Macmillan (Judge Mara)
Hays, Tony - The Killing Way £17.99 (Malgwyn ap Cuneglas)
Ison, Graham - Hardcastle's Mandarin $27.95 Severn House Publishers (Detective Inspector Hardcastle)
King, Laurie R. - The Language of Bees $25.00 Bantam (Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes)
Owen, Charlie - Foxtrot Oscar $9.95 Headline (Ensemble cast)
Pears, Iain - Stone's Fall $27.95 Spiegel & Grau (Multiple viewpoint)
Perry, Anne - Callander Square $14.00 Ballantine (Thomas & Charlotte Pitt)
Perry, Anne - A Dangerous Mourning $14.00 Ballantine (William Monk)
Perry, Anne - Defend and Betray $14.00 Ballantine (William Monk)
Robertson, Imogen - Instruments of Darkness £19.99 Headline (Gabriel Crowther)
Sedley, Kate - The Dance of Death $28.95 Severn House (Roger the Chapman)
Southey, Roz - Secret Lament £7.99 Creme de la Crime Books (Charles Patterson)
Thomas, Donald - Sherlock Holmes and the King's Evil $25.00 Pegasus Books (Holmes pastiche)
Wilson, Laura - Stratton's War £6.99 Orion (Policeman Ted Stratton of the CID)
June 2009
Alexander, Tasha - A Fatal Waltz $13.99 Harper (Lady Emily Ashton)
Clare, Alys - The Paths of the Air $15.95 Severn House (Hawkenlye Mysteries)
Cook, Thomas H - Master of the Delta$13.95 Mariner Books (Jack Branch)
Doherty, Paul - Murder's Immortal Mask $8.95 Headline (Claudia)
Downing, David - Stettin Station £12.99 Old Street Publishing (John Russell)
Epperson, Tom - The Kind One £9.99 Pocket (Danny Layton)
Gabbay, Tom - The Tehran Conviction $24.95 William Morrow (Jack Teller)
Gilbert, Paul D. - The Chronicles of Sherlock Holmes $24.95 Robert Hale (Sherlock Holmes pastiche)
Gregory, Susanna - The Devil's Disciples £7.99 Sphere (Matthew Bartholomew)
Gregory, Susanna - A Vein of Deceit £18.99 Sphere (Matthew Bartholomew)
Jecks, Michael - The King of Thieves £7.99 Headline (Sir Baldwin Furnshill and Bailiff Simon Puttock)
Jecks, Michael - No Law in the Land £19.99 Headline (Sir Baldwin Furnshill and Bailiff Simon Puttock)
Kaska, Kathleen - Murder at the Arlington $16.95 Salvo Press (Sydney Lockhart)
Knight, Bernard - Crowner Royal $24.95 Simon & Schuster (Crowner John)
Knight, Bernard - The Manor of Death $9.95 Simon & Schuster (Crowner John)
Lovesey, Peter - Abracadaver $14.00 Soho Constable (Sergeant Cribb)
Lovesey, Peter - Mad Hatter's Holiday $14.00 Soho Constable (Sergeant Cribb)
McCleary, Carol - The Alchemy of Murder £6.99 Hodder & Stoughton (Nellie Bly)
McKay, Shirley - Hue and Cry £12.99 Polygon (Hew Cullan)
The Medieval Murderers - King Arthur's Bones £18.99 Simon & Schuster (Shared medieval anthology)
The Medieval Murderers - The Lost Prophecies £6.99 Pocket (Shared medieval anthology)
Melikan, Rose - The Counterfeit Guest $14.95 Capital Crime Press (Mary Frith)
Morris, Gilbert - Sonnet to a Dead Contessa $14.99 Thomas Nelson Publishers (Lady Serafina Trent)
Moules, Joan - Script for Murder £18.99 Robert Hale (Inspector Carding and Sergeant George Binns)
O'Brien, Charles - Deadly Quarrel $27.95 Severn House (Anne Cartier)
Owen, Charlie - Bravo Jubilee £6.99 Headline (Ensemble cast)
Peacock, Caro - A Corpse in Shining Armour £7.99 Harper Collinsn (Liberty Lane)
Peters, Glen - Mrs D’Silva’s Detective Instincts and the Shaitan of Calcutta £8.99 Parthian Books (Joan D'Silva)
Pintoff, Stefanie - In the Shadow of Gotham £18.99 Minotaur Books (Detective Simon Ziele)
Raybourn, Deanna - Silent On The Moor £7.99 Mira (Lady Julia Grey and Nicholas Brisbane)
Schenkel, Andrea Maria - Ice Cold £9.99 Quercus (Historical thriller)
Sim, Alastair - The Unbelievers £7.99 Snowbooks (Inspector Allerdyce and Sergeant McGillivray VC)
Spencer, Sally (writing as Alan Rustage) - Blackstone and the New World $27.95 Severn House (Bow Street Runner Blackstone)
Thompson, Brian - The Captain's Table £12.99 Chatto & Windus (Bella Wallis)
Thompson, Victoria - Murder on Bank Street $7.99 Berkley Prime Crime (Midwife Sarah Brandt)
Thompson, Victoria - Murder on Waverly Place $24.95 Berkley Prime Crime (Midwife Sarah Brandt)
Upson, Nicola - Angel with Two Faces $24.95 Harper (Josephine Tey)
Upson, Nicola - An Expert in Murder $13.95 Harper (Josephine Tey)
Top |
July 2009
Abbott, Megan - Bury Me Deep $15.00 Simon & Schuster (noir standalone)
Airth, Rennie - The Dead of Winter $25.95 Viking (Inspector John Madden)
Alleyn, Susanne - The Cavalier of the Apocalypse $24.99 Minotaur Books (Aristide Ravel)
Barlow, Andrew - The Bear Pit £14.99 Arena Books (Hopkin ap Griffith ap Rhys)
Bowen, Rhys - Royal Flush $24.95 St. Martin's (Georgie, aka Lady Victoria Georgiana Charlotte Eugenie)
Bowen, Rhys - A Royal Pain $7.99 Berkley (Georgie, aka Lady Victoria Georgiana Charlotte Eugenie)
Child, Peter - The Royal Russian Murders £7.99 Benbow Publications (Inspector Hadley)
Cleverly, Barbara - Folly Du Jour $14.00 Delta (Joe Sandilands)
Conan, James - The Coburg Conspiracy £14.99 Hutchinson (Thomas Ryder)
Doherty, Paul - The Magician's Death $24.99 Minotaur Books (Hugh Corbett)
Downie, Ruth - Persona Non Grata $24.00 Bloomsbury (Gaius Petrius Ruso)
Finch, Charles - The September Society $13.99 Minotaur Books (Charles Lennox)
Gooden, Philip - The Durham Disappearance $25.00 Soho (Tom Ansell)
Greenwood, Kerry - Murder in the Dark $14.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Phryne Fisher)
Greenwood, Kerry - Murder on a Midsummer Night $24.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Phryne Fisher)
Gregory, Susanna - A Vein of Deceit $26.95 Little, Brown (Matthew Bartholomew)
Healey, Judith Koll - The Rebel Princess $25.99 William Morrow (Princess Alais)
Hockensmith, Steve - The Crack in the Lens $24.99 Minotaur Books (Amlingmeyer brothers)
Lake, Deryn - Death and the Black Pyramid $28.95 Severn House (John Rawlings)
Liss, David - The Devil's Company $25.00 Random House (Benjamin Weaver)
Marston, Edward - The Silver Locomotive Mystery £19.99 Allison & Busby (Inspector Robert Colbeck)
McCreet, James - The Incendiary’s Trail £16.99 MacMillan (Noah Dyson)
McIntosh, Pat - The Rough Collier $13.00 Soho Constable (Gil Cunningham)
McIntosh, Pat - The Stolen Voice $25.00 Soho Constable (Gil Cunningham)
Nadel, Barbara - Sure and Certain Death £19.99 Headline (Francis Hancock)
Newman, Sharan - The Outcast Dove $15.99 Forge (Catherine Levendeur)
Parker, Ann - Iron Ties $14.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Silver Rush series)
Parker, Ann - Leaden Skies $24.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Silver Rush series)
Parker, I. J. - The Convict's Sword $15.00 Penguin (Sugawara Akitada)
Russell, Craig - Lennox £18.99 Quercus (PI Lennox)
Saylor, Steven - The Triumph of Caesar $14.90 Minotaur Books (Gordianus the Finder)
Shaw, Catherine - The Riddle of the River $14.95 Felony & Mayhem (Vanessa Duncan)
Souter, Keith M. - The Fool’s Folly £18.99 Robert Hale (Sir Giles Beeston)
Tremayne, Peter - The Dove of Death £19.99 Headline (Sister Fidelma Mysteries)
Wilson, Laura - An Empty Death £18.99 Orion (Policeman Ted Stratton of the CID)
Wilson, Laura - The Innocent Spy (UK title: Stratton's War) $25.99 Minotaur Books (Policeman Ted Stratton of the CID)
August 2009
Akunin, Boris - Sister Pelagia and the Red Cockerel (UK Title: Pelagia and the Red Rooster) $15.00 Random House (Sister Pelagia)
Alfieri, Annamaria - City of Silver $24.99 Minotaur Books (Mother Abbess Maria Santa Hilda)
Atkinson, Michael - Hemingway Deadlights $24.99 Minotaur Books (Ernest Hemingway)
Cameron, Kenneth - The Bohemian Girl £12.99 Orion (General Denton)
Clare, Alys - Out of the Dawn Light $27.95 Severn House (Aelf Fen series)
Cotterill, Colin - Curse of the Pogo Stick $13.00 Soho (Dr. Siri Paiboun)
Cotterill, Colin - The Merry Misogynist $24.00 Soho (Dr. Siri Paiboun)
Doherty, Paul - The Darkening Glass £7.99 Headline (Mathilda of Westminster)
Dunn, Carola - Death at Wentwater Court £6.99 Robinson (Daisy Dalrymple)
Dunn, Carola - Requiem for a Mezzo £6.99 Robinson (Daisy Dalrymple)
Dunn, Carola - Winter Garden Mystery £6.99 Robinson (Daisy Dalrymple)
Franklin, Ariana - Relics of the Dead (US title: Grave Goods) £12.99 Bantam (Adelia, Doctor to the dead)
Frazer, Margaret - The Prioress's Tale £18.99 Robert Hale (Dame Frevisse)
Gardner, John - Moriarty £7.99 Quercus (Professor James Moriarty)
Gordon-Smith, Dolores - As if by Magic $25.00 Soho Constable (Jack Haldean)
Gray, Clio - Brotherhood of Five £19.99 Headline (Whilbert Stroop)
Gregorio, Michael - A Visible Darkness £12.99 Faber and Faber (Magistrate Procurator Stiffeniis)
Gregory, Susanna - The Devil's Disciples $12.95 Little, Brown (Matthew Bartholomew)
Hill, Suzette A. - Bone Idle $25.00 Soho Constable (Reverend Francis Oughterard)
Japp, Andrea H. - The Divine Blood £7.99 Gallic Books (Agnes de Souarcy)
Jecks, Michael - The Prophecy of Death £8.99 Headline (Sir Baldwin Furnshill and Bailiff Simon Puttock)
Jenkins, Rebecca - The Duke's Agent £6.99 Quercus (Captain Raif Jarrett)
King, Laurie R. - The Language of Bees £19.99 Allison & Busby (Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes)
Knight, Bernard - Crowner Royal £6.99 Pocket (Crowner John)
Lawton, John - Second Violin $14.00 Grove Press (Frederick Troy)
Melikan, Rose - The Mistaken Wife $15.00 Touchstone (Mary Frith)
Parot, Jean-Francois - The Nicholas le Floch Affair £11.99 Gallic Books (Nicolas Le Floch)
Peace, David - Occupied City £20.00 Faber and Faber (Tokyo Trilogy)
Pepper, Andrew - Kill-Devil and Water £7.99 Weidenfeld & Nicolson (Pyke)
Perez-Reverte, Arturo - The Cavalier in the Yellow Doublet $25.95 Putnam (Captain Alatriste)
Rhea, Nicholas - Constable Beats the Bounds £17.99 Robert Hale (Constable Nick / Heartbeat)
Rowe, Rosemary - Death at Pompeia's Wedding $15.95 Severn House (Libertus)
Rowland, Laura Joh - Way of the Traitor £7.99 Robinson (Sano Ichiro Mysteries)
Royal, Priscilla - Chambers of Death $24.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Prioress Eleanor)
Royal, Priscilla - Forsaken Soul $14.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Prioress Eleanor)
Sanderson, Mark - Snow Hill £12.99 HarperCollins (John Steadman and Matt Turner)
Schatzing, Frank - Death and the Devil £12.99 Quercus (Jacob the Fox)
Turk, Howard - West of Shanghai £17.95 Booklocker (Jake Greenberg)
Top |
September 2009
Abbott, Megan - Queenpin £6.99 Pocket (noir standalone)
Albert, Susan Wittig - The Tale of Applebeck Orchard $23.95 Berkley (Beatrix Potter)
Albert, Susan Wittig - The Tale of Briar Bank $7.99 Berkley (Beatrix Potter)
Alexander, Bruce - Blind Justice $15.00 Berkley (Sir John Fielding)
Alexander, Tasha - Tears of Pearl $24.99 Minotaur Books (Lady Emily Ashton)
Arruda, Suzanne - The Leopard's Prey $15.00 NAL (Jade Cameron)
Arruda, Suzanne - Treasure of the Golden Cheetah $24.95 NAL (Jade Cameron)
Bebris, Carrie - The Matters at Mansfield: Or, The Crawford Affair $6.99 Tor (Mr. & Mrs. Darcy)
Bebris, Carrie - North By Northanger, or The Shades of Pemberley $12.99 Tor (Mr. & Mrs. Darcy)
Benn, James R. - Blood Alone $14.00 Soho Press (Billy Boyle)
Benn, James R. - Evil for Evil $25.00 Soho Press (Billy Boyle)
Bernhardt, William - Nemesis: The Final Case of Eliot Ness $7.99 Ballantine (Eliot Ness)
Brody, Frances - Dying in the Wool £6.99 Piatkus Books (Kate Shackleton)
Churchill, Jill - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes $23.99 HarperLuxe (Grace and Favor series)
Clarke, Mary Andrea - Love Not Poison £7.99 Creme De La Crime (The Crimson Cavalier)
Cleverly, Barbara - Bright Hair About the Bone £18.99 Constable (Laetitia Letty Talbot)
Cutler, Judith - Shadow of the Past $15.95 Allison & Busby (Young Parson Tobias Campion)
Davies, David Stuart - Requiem for a Dummy £18.99 Robert Hale (Johnny "One Eye" Hawke)
Douglas, Carole Nelson - Good Night, Mr. Holmes $14.99 Forge (Irene Adler)
Dunn, Carola - Black Ship $13.99 Kensington (Daisy Dalrymple)
Dunn, Carola - Sheer Folly $13.99 Minotaur Books (Daisy Dalrymple)
Fate, Robert - Baby Shark's Jugglers at the Border $14.95 Capital Crime (Baby Shark Kristin Van Dijk)
Fraser, Guy - A Plague of Lions £18.99 Robert Hale (Supt Jarrett, Inspector Grant, Sgt Quinn)
Gleeson, Janet - The Serpent In The Garden $34.95 Bantam (Joshua Pope)
Hamilton, Barbara - The Ninth Daughter $14.00 Berkley (Abigail Adams)
Hampson, June - Fatal Cut $24.95 Orion (Daisy Lane)
Harrison, Cora - Writ in Stone £18.99 Severn House (Judge Mara)
Hockensmith, Steve - The Crack in the Lens £18.99 Minotaur Books (Amlingmeyer brothers)
Izner, Claude - The Disappearance at Pere-Lachaise (UK Title: The Pere-Lachaise Mystery) $23.95 St. Martin's (Victor Legris)
Izner, Claude - Murder on the Eiffel Tower $13.99 Minotaur Books (Victor Legris)
Jecks, Michael - No Law in the Land $24.95 Headline (Sir Baldwin Furnshill and Bailiff Simon Puttock)
Kanon, Joseph - Stardust $27.95 Atria (Ben Collier)
Kerr, Philip - If the Dead Rise Not £17.99 Quercus (Bernie Gunther novel)
Lovesey, Peter - A Case of Spirits $14.00 Soho Constable (Sergeant Cribb)
Lovesey, Peter - The Tick of Death $14.00 Soho Constable (Sergeant Cribb)
Lovisi, Gary - The Secret Files of Sherlock Holmes £8.99 Ulverscroft (Sherlock Holmes)
Maitland, Karen - The Owl Killers $26.00 Delacorte (Ensemble cast)
Marston, Edward - The Dragons of Archenfield £10.99 Ostara Publishing (Domesday Series)
Marston, Edward - The Lions of the North £10.99 Ostara Publishing (Domesday Series)
Marston, Edward - Murder on the Brighton Express $15.95 Allison & Busby (Inspector Robert Colbeck)
Marston, Edward - The Ravens of Blackwater £10.99 Ostara Publishing (Domesday Series)
Marston, Edward - The Silver Locomotive Mystery $29.95 Allison & Busby (Inspector Robert Colbeck)
Marston, Edward - Wolves of Savernake £10.99 Ostara Publishing (Domesday Series)
McCleary, Carol - The Alchemy of Murder £7.99 Hodder & Stoughton (Nellie Bly)
Morson, Ian - Falconer and the Ritual of Death $15.95 Severn House (William Falconer)
Myers, Beverle Graves - Her Deadly Mischief $24.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Tito Amato)
Myers, Beverle Graves - The Iron Tongue of Midnight $14.95 Poisoned Pen Press (Tito Amato)
Peace, David - Nineteen Eighty $15.00 Vintage (Red Riding Quartet)
Pearce, Michael - A Dead Man in Naples $14.00 Soho Constable (Special Branch officer Seymour)
Perry, Anne - Bluegate Fields $15.00 Ballantine (Thomas & Charlotte Pitt)
Perry, Anne - Resurrection Row $15.00 Ballantine (Thomas & Charlotte Pitt)
Perry, Anne - The Sins of the Wolf $15.00 Ballantine (William Monk)
Perry, Anne - A Sudden, Fearful Death $15.00 Ballantine (William Monk)
Pope, Barbara - Cezanne's Quarry $14.95 Pegasus (Judge Bernard Martin and Inspector Albert Franc)
Randisi, Robert J. - You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Kills You $24.99 Minotaur Books (A Rat Pack Mystery)
Rowland, Laura Joh - The Fire Kimono $14.99 Minotaur (Sano Ichiro Mysteries)
Russell, Sheldon - The Yard Dog $24.99 Minotaur (Hook Runyon)
Spencer, Sally - Fatal Quest: Woodend's First Case $15.95 Severn House (Chief Inspector Charlie Woodend)
The Medieval Murderers - King Arthur's Bones $14.95 Simon & Schuster (Shared medieval anthology)
Thompson, Victoria - Murder on Astor Place $14.00 Berkley (Midwife Sarah Brandt)
Todd, Charles - A Duty to the Dead $24.99 William Morrow (Bess Crawford)
Westerson, Jeri - Serpent in the Thorns $24.99 St. Martin's Griffin (Crispin Guest)
Wilson, Elizabeth - War Damage $14.95 Serpent's Tail (Detective Chief Inspector Plumer)
October 2009
Akunin, Boris - She Lover of Death £12.99 Weidenfeld & Nicolson (Erast Fandorin)
Auswaks, Alex - Sherlock Holmes in Russia $24.95 Robert Hale (Sherlock Holmes)
Benn, James R. - Blood Alone £9.99 Soho Press (Billy Boyle)
Benn, James R. - Evil for Evil $25.00 Soho Press (Billy Boyle)
Brandreth, Gyles - Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man's Smile $24.00 Touchstone (Oscar Wilde)
Cabasson, Armand - Memory of Flames £7.99 Gallic Books (Captain Quentin Margont)
Collins, Randall - The Case of the Philosophers' Ring £10.99 Ostara Publishing (Sherlock Holmes)
Davies, David Stuart - The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Scroll of the Dead $9.95 Titan Books (Sherlock Holmes)
Davies, David Stuart - The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Veiled Detective $9.95 Titan Books (Sherlock Holmes)
Duncan II, Robert Lee - The Dreadful Murder of Ian O'Neil $24.95 PublishAmerica (Nora Wolfe Walker)
Cox, Michael - The Glass of Time $14.95 W W Norton (Esperanza Gorst)
Gaspar, Stephen - To Know Evil $17.95 Pemberley Press (Brother Thomas of Worms)
Kemp, M. E. - Death of a Dutch Uncle $17.95 Hilliard & Harris (Hetty Henry & Increase "Creasy" Cotton)
Leoni, Giulio - The Kingdom of Light £12.99 Harvill Secker (Dante Alighieri)
Nunn, Malla - A Beautiful Place to Die $15.00 Washington Square Press (Detective Emmanuel Cooper)
Peace, David - Nineteen Seventy Four £9.99 Quercus (Red Riding Quartet)
Perry, Anne - A Christmas Grace £6.99 Headline (Holiday Mysteries)
Perry, Anne - A Christmas Promise $18.00 Ballantine Books (Gracie Phipps)
Perry, Anne - Silent Nights: Two Victorian Christmas Mysteries $14.00 Ballantine (Holiday Mysteries)
(A Christmas Beginning / A Christmas Grace)
Randall, Brant (aka Bruce Cook) - Tommy Gun Tango $14.95 Capital Crime Press (Ichabod Lawe)
Roberts, David - Sweet Sorrow £18.99 Constable Crime (Lord Edward Corinth and Verity Browne)
Rowland, Laura Joh - The Cloud Pavilion $24.99 St. Martin's Minotaur (Sano Ichiro Mysteries)
Schenkel, Andrea Maria - Ice Cold £7.99 Quercus (Historical thriller)
Simmons, Dan - Drood £7.99 Quercus (Wilkie Collins)
Starr, Melvin R. - A Corpse at St Andrew's Chapel £8.99 Monarch Books (Hugh of Singleton)
Stashower, Daniel - The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Ectoplasmic Man $9.95 Titan Books (Sherlock Holmes)
Tremayne, Peter - The Council of the Cursed $24.95 St. Martin's Minotaur (Sister Fidelma Mysteries)
Tremayne, Peter - Dancing with Demons $13.99 St. Martin's Griffin (Sister Fidelma Mysteries)
Watt, Douglas - Death of a Chief $16.95 Luath Press (John MacKenzie and Davie Scougall)
West, Jean M. - Anguish at Antietam $14.95 CreateSpace (Rob McEntee)
Westerson, Jeri - Veil of Lies: A Medieval Noir $14.99 St. Martin's Griffin (Crispin Guest)
Top |
November 2009
Alexander, Tasha - Tears of Pearl £17.99 Minotaur Books (Lady Emily Ashton)
Akunin, Boris - Pelagia and the Red Rooster £6.99 Phoenix (Sister Pelagia)
Bayard, Louis - The Black Tower £9.99 HarperPerennial (Eugène François Vidocq)
Bebris, Carrie - The Matters at Mansfield: Or, The Crawford Affair £6.99 Tor (Mr. & Mrs. Darcy)
Brightwell, Emily - Mrs. Jeffries and the Yuletide Weddings $23.95 Berkley (Mrs. Jeffries)
Buckley, Fiona - Queen of Ambition $15.00 Pocket (Ursula Blanchard)
Carr, Caleb - The Italian Secretary: A Further Adventure of Sherlock Holmes $14.99 St Martins (Sherlock Holmes)
Challis, Joanna - Murder on the Cliffs $24.99 St. Martin's Minotaur (Daphne du Maurier)
Challis, Joanna - Murder on the Cliffs $24.99 St. Martin's Minotaur (Daphne du Maurier)
Child, Peter - The Satan Murders $12.00 St. Benbow (Inspector Hadley)
Clare, Alys - Mist Over the Water £18.99 Severn House (Aelf Fen series)
Clark, Cassandra - The Red Velvet Turnshoe $24.95 St. Martin's (Sister Hildegaard)
Cotterill, Colin - Curse of the Pogo Stick £7.99 Quercus (Dr. Siri Paiboun)
Cotterill, Colin - The Merry Misogynist £14.99 Quercus (Dr. Siri Paiboun)
Craske, Darren - The Equivoque Principle $12.95 Harper (Cornelius Quaint)
Dexter, Gary - The Oxford Despoiler $14.95 Old Street Publishing (Henry St Liver)
Doherty, Paul - The Templar Magician £19.99 Headline (Templars)
Douglas, Carole Nelson - Good Night, Mr. Holmes $14.99 Forge (Irene Adler)
Dunn, Carola - Sheer Folly £6.99 Robinson (Daisy Dalrymple)
Finch, Charles - The Fleet Street Murders $24.99 St. Martin's (Charles Lennox)
Garcia, Emanuel E. - The Case of the Missing Stradivarius $30.00 Irregular Special Press (Sherlock Holmes)
Geagley, Brad - Day of the False King $17.99 Simon & Schuster (Semerket)
Gores, Joe - Spade & Archer: The Prequel to Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon £18.99 Orion (Sam Spade)
Greenberg, Martin H. et al. (editors) - Sherlock Holmes in America $14.95 Skyhorse Publishing (Anthology)
Harris, C.S. - What Remains of Heaven $23.95 NAL (Sebastian St. Cyr)
Harris, C.S. - Where Serpents Sleep $7.99 Signet (Sebastian St. Cyr)
Harrison, Cora - A Secret and Unlawful Killing $13.99 St. Martin's Griffin (Judge Mara)
Harrison, Cora - The Sting of Justice $25.99 St. Martin's Minotaur (Judge Mara)
Jecks, Michael - The Bishop Must Die £19.99 Headline (Sir Baldwin Furnshill and Bailiff Simon Puttock)
Kellough, Janet - On the Head of a Pin $11.99 Dundurn Press (Thaddeus Lewis)
Kingsbury, Kate - Decked with Folly $14.00 Berkley (Pennyfoot Hotel)
Kingsbury, Kate - Ringing In Murder $6.99 Berkley (Pennyfoot Hotel)
Knight, Alanna - Murder in Paradise £7.99 Allison & Busby (Inspector Faro)
Magnan, Pierre - The Murdered House $24.99 St. Martin's (Seraphin Monge)
McCuaig, Catriona - Snares and Nets £18.99 Robert Hale (Nesta Davies)
Perry, Anne - A Christmas Promise £16.99 Headline (Gracie Phipps)
Tombs, Kerry - The Ledbury Lamplighters £18.99 Robert Hale (Inspector Samuel Ravenscroft)
Stafford, Nick - Armistice £12.99 Quercus (Philomena Bligh)
Winspear, Jacqueline - Among the Mad $14.00 Picador (Maisie Dobbs)
December 2009
Ash, Maureen - Murder for Christ's Mass $7.99 Berkley (Bascot de Marins)
Atkins, Ace - White Shadow $15.00 Berkley (Detective Ed Dodge)
Bebris, Carrie - North By Northanger, or The Shades of Pemberley £9.99 Tor (Mr. & Mrs. Darcy)
Bondurant, Matt - The Wettest County in the World $15.00 Simon & Schuster (Sherwood Anderson)
Clarke, Mary Andrea - Love Not Poison $14.95 Creme De La Crime (The Crimson Cavalier)
de Santis, Pablo - The Paris Enigma $13.99 Harper (Sigmund Salvatorio)
Elliot, Lance - Dying to Know £3.99 Black Star Crime (Dr. Lance Elliot)
Faye, Lyndsay - Dust and Shadow: An Account of the Ripper Killings $14.00 Simon & Schuster (Sherlock Holmes Pastiche)
Frazer, Margaret - A Play of Treachery $7.99 Berkley (Joliffe)
Gorman, Ed - Ticket to Ride $25.00 Pegasus (Sam McCain)
Gregory, Susanna - A Murder on London Bridge £17.99 Sphere (Thomas Chaloner)
Gregory, Susanna - The Westminster Poisoner £6.99 Sphere (Thomas Chaloner)
Harrison, Cora - Writ in Stone $27.95 Severn House (Judge Mara)
Jecks, Michael - No Law in the Land £7.99 Headline (Sir Baldwin Furnshill and Bailiff Simon Puttock)
Jenkins, Rebecca - The Duke's Agent £6.99 Quercus (Captain Raif Jarrett)
Leshin, Steven M. - Vengeance of the Ripper $13.97 (Wyatt Earp & Bat Masterson)
Locke, M. Louisa - Maids of Misfortune $12.75 CreateSpace (Annie Fuller)
McCullough, Colleen - Too Many Murders $14.99 Allium Press Publishing (Emily Cabot)
McNamara, Frances - Death at Hull House $14.99 Allium Press Publishing (Emily Cabot)
McNamara, Frances - Death at the Fair $14.99 Allium Press Publishing (Emily Cabot)
McPherson, Catriona - The Proper Treatment of Bloodstains £19.99 Hodder (Dandy Gilver)
Morson, Ian - Falconer's Trial £18.99 Severn House (William Falconer)
Owen, Charlie - Two Tribes £19.99 Headline (Ensemble cast)
Owen, Charlie - Zulu Havoc £19.99 Headline (Ensemble cast)
Pattison, Eliot - Eye of the Raven $26.00 Counterpoint (Duncan McCallum)
Pearce, Michael - A Dead Man in Athens $14.00 Soho Constable (Special Branch officer Seymour)
Pearce, Michael - A Dead Man in Barcelona $14.00 Soho Constable (Special Branch officer Seymour)
Pearce, Michael - A Dead Man in Istanbul $14.00 Soho Constable (Special Branch officer Seymour)
Pearce, Michael - A Dead Man in Naples $14.00 Soho Constable (Special Branch officer Seymour)
Pearce, Michael - A Dead Man in Tangier $14.00 Soho Constable (Special Branch officer Seymour)
Pearce, Michael - A Dead Man in Trieste $14.00 Soho Constable (Special Branch officer Seymour)
Roberts, John Maddox - SPQR XII: Oracle of the Dead $14.99 St. Martin's Minotaur (Roman senator Decius Caecilius Metellus the Younger)
Rowland, Laura Joh - The Fire Kimono £9.99 Griffin (Sano Ichiro Mysteries)
Salviani, Adam - John Raider and the Star of India $9.99 Raider Publishing (John Raider)
Slade, Nicola - Death is the Cure £18.99 Robert Hale (Charlotte Richmond)
Thompson, E.V. - Churchyard and Hawke £18.99 Robert Hale (Amos Hawke)
Todd, Charles - A Matter of Justice $14.99 Harper (Inspector Ian Rutledge)
Todd, Charles - The Red Door $24.99 William Morrow (Inspector Ian Rutledge)
Todd, Marilyn - Blood Moon $15.95 Severn House (Ilionas)
Unsworth, Cathi - Bad Penny Blues £7.99 Serpent's Tail (Police Constable Pete Bradley)
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