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Historical Mystery Blogs


Suzanne Adair
Rhys Bowen
Carola Dunn
Jane Finnis
Daniel Elton Harmon
Laura James
Clare Langley-Hawthorne
Beverle Graves Myers
Eric Mayer
Sharan Newman
Ann Parker
Jeri Westerson


Suzanne Adair

The British Are Coming, Y'all! - Southerner Suzanne Adair, author of Paper Woman and its American Revolution sequels teleports at will between the 18th and 21st centuries.

Susanne's Historical Mystery Blog - Susanne's interviews fictional sleuths from past centuries

Daniel Elton Harmon Daniel Elton Harmon - Musings, research & frivolity from the desk of a Christian historical mystery author, folk musician & humorist
Laura James Clews: The Historic True Crime Blog - Crime Historian Laura James, Esquire welcomes you to her study of historic true crime, "where the chairs rest at the intersection of history, journalism, law, and murder, and the shelves are filled with the finest true crime literature. PS STEAL FROM THIS LIBRARY AND IT'S PISTOLS AT DAWN."
The Lady Killers The Lady Killers - The Lady Killers is a shared blog by 7 female mystery writers, including historical mystery authors Rhys Bowen, author of the Molly Murphy and Lady Georgiana series, Carola Dunn, author of the Daisy Dalrymple series, Jane Finnis, author of the Aurelia Marcella series, Sharan Newman, author of the Catherine Levendeur series and The Shanghai Tunnel, and Ann Parker, author of the Inez Stannert Silver Fever series.
Clare Langley-Hawthorne An Edwardian State of Mind - Clare Langley-Hawthorne is the author of the Ursula Marlow series.
Beverle Graves Myers Cruel Music - Public musings of mystery writer Beverle Graves Myers, author of the Baroque Mystery series featuring Tito Amato
Eric Mayer Byzantine Blog - Eric Mayer, co-author of the John The Eunuch series of historical mysteries with his wife Mary Reed, dwells here on "the boring minutiae of the rest of my life, present and past, along with the occasional word about writing."
Jeri Westerson Getting Medieval - Jeri Westerson, author of Medieval Noir series featuring ex-knight Crispin Guest, intersperses her musings on history and books with interviews related to both.


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